On Line Credit Card Processing
Integrated with our ERP Suites, with our Point of Sales Suite and with our Web Store Suites

Our Online Credit Card Payment Processing module posts payments directly to the Credit card Processing Company.
The Credit Card information is then stored encrypted in the database, according with the guidelines of the Payment Card Industry Association.
Further use of the stored Credit Cards is made without the users seeing the Credit Card information, identifying the different cards on file for
a customer by their last four digits.
Payments are transmitted instantly by our module to the Credit Card Processing Company
Card can be authorized at the moment of taking the order, to make sure their information is completely correct, and stored for the
posting of the payment when the shipping of the merchandise occurs
Payments can be made simultaneously by any number of different workstations running our ERP software and/or our POS software or by
servers running our Web Store software
Credit Cards File
Credit Cards kept on file are encrypted, and identified for reuse by their last four digits
Credit cards can be reused multiple times for payment of future or recurrent orders or for refunds
Refunds can be automatically generated from the Payment record